Art Exhibitions


Whilst the Cathedral itself is bursting with art in various forms, we also encourage new art to pay us a visit. Newport Cathedral offers excellent lighting and open spaces which can facilitate a vibrant programme of art exhibitions. The building has easy access and can provide an ideal setting for display. The Cathedral has been the setting for a number of very popular Summer Exhibitions by local amateur painters, and we look forward to continuing this tradition.

A series of paintings by Elizabeth Gray-King was exhibited in the cathedral in 2024, entitled ‘Open to All’ under the Open Table Network, promoting inclusivity in the name of God.

The cathedral has been the location for works by individuals as well as groups and art clubs. We were priveleged to be able to exhibit the ‘Stations of the Cross’ series by Nigel Pugh in 2016  –  these have been circulated each year during Eastertide, among churches and cathedrals across the country.

Art & The Cathedral

We are proud to say that we try to engage with modern day cutting edge art to present ever-changing and captivating displays. The peaceful and charming interior provides an inspiring setting for art exhibitions where creativity from the past embraces art from the present. 


if you would like to hire the Cathedral for your Exhibition, contact the Cathedral Administrator

Art Gallery

Newport Cathedral