Cathedral Baptisms
Information About Cathedral Baptisms
Baptism Services
Baptism (Christening) is how we become part of the Christian Church – the body of Jesus Christ. It is an ancient initiation ceremony, which can be traced back to John the Baptist who was baptising in the River Jordan. Those who came to him did so to show that they were committed to the Kingdom of God, that is that they wanted to live as God calls us. Jesus was baptised by John and this marked the beginning of his ministry. Christians, those who seek to shape their lives on Jesus Christ, have been baptised since.

About Baptism
We welcome children and adults for baptism.
For children, parents and godparents make a commitment on the child’s behalf to bring them up as people who want to follow the Way of Jesus Christ. Later they will make up their own minds, but parents and others will have given them the spiritual tools they need by their example and the patterns they set.
Adults and older young people may prefer to have a longer period of preparation to learn more about the Christian faith. In both cases, we grow and learn throughout our lives and our faith grows with us. A good first step is to come along to Cathedral Services and see what goes on. You can talk to us after the service.
For further information about baptisms and arranging a ceremony, please contact the Cathedral Administrator.