The Ark

Learning About Christianity For The Young

Join Us At The Ark

The Ark has entered its second year of activity. The concept is designed to reach out to young families outside Sunday worship services. We have taken into account that many young families today treat Sundays like Saturdays, a time for recreational activity, especially sport. Also, many young people have never been to church, nor experienced traditional services, so the Ark is an alternative approach for the introduction of the Christian faith.

Three sessions of the Ark have taken place in Newport Cathedral in the last financial year, on 28th April 2018, 29th September 2018 and 2nd February 2019. The themes of those first sessions were ‘The Fire of the Spirit’, ‘Angel’s Delight’ and ‘Light in the Darkness’ respectively.

Ark Activities

The sessions last two hours and includes a light breakfast, a creative activity, a biblical lesson using Powerpoint, a song/hymn, the Ark prayer, and then the ‘parachute’ game. The average attendance is around 10, and the Ark is geared for the age-group 3-10. Emphasis is placed on key learnings and fun. Various church talents are brought together: pedagogical, organisational, culinary, musical and theological.

When you look at Newport Cathedral on top of Stow Hill you might view the building as if it were a big ark on top of Mount Ararat in Turkey, where the real ark was supposed to have ended up. Newport Cathedral is a place of spiritual comfort and refuge, of social support and encouragement. I hope that young families might join us at The Ark on top of the world!

Newport Cathedral