Constitution and Governance

Chapter and the new 2023 Constitution

The “Cathedral Church of St Woolos, Newport” is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, governed by the Dean and Chapter (see below for members of Chapter).  Its Constitution and Regulations (see below), approved by the Charity Commission in April 2023, sets out the way in which it legally conducts business, makes decisions and complies with charity law.

In addition the Cathedral has published its Strategic Plan 2023  –  use the button below to view the Plan.

The Congregational Committee

Under the Constitution the Cathedral community is represented by a non-executive Congregational Committee, with representational links to Chapter through the elected Cathedral Wardens.
This committee meets about six times a year to discuss issues raised by members of the congregation and to liaise with Chapter about these and other matters. Current members are listed below.


The Cathedral Congregational Meeting (AGM) is held before the end of April each year. Elections, with voting by those on the Cathedral Electoral Roll, are held when required.

The Cathedral became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation as from May 1st 2023. The accounts appear in two parts: prior to May 1st and from May 1st to end-of-year.


The Constitution (dated 2023) sets out the organisational structure for Cathedral Governance.

The Regulations (dated 2023) set out some of the methodology and requirements under the Constitution

Members of the Congregational Committee


Mr Malcolm Phillips


Mrs Sue Smith

Other elected members

Mrs Christine Thomas
Mrs Sandra Toulson
Mr Brian Cox
Mrs Vida Greaux

The Cathedral Wardens

Mrs Fay Howe
Mr Robert Cornelius

Invited members
The Diocesan Representatives

Dr Sian King
Mr Robert Cornelius (also attends as Cathedral Warden)


Clergy are entitled to attend, to speak but not vote.

Members of Chapter

The Dean

The Very Revd Ian Black, Dean of Newport

The Archdeacon of Newport
The Clergy Canons

Revd Canon Andrew Lightbown

Revd Canon John Connell

Revd Canon Mark Owen

The Lay Canons

Canon Peter Lea

Canon Ian Loynd

Canon Caroline Woollard

Canon Roderick Davies

Canon Hannah Rowan

The Cathedral Wardens

Mrs Fay Howe

Mr Robert Cornelius

Chapter Clerk

Mrs Phae Cole

Newport Cathedral is a registered charity:   The Cathedral Church of St Woolos, Newport       No. 1202787

Newport Cathedral