The Cathedral Shop

Come In And Browse, See What You Find!

Shop opening times:

The Cathedral Shop is open at the times set out below.

Please note that, as the shop opening depends on the availability of volunteers, there may be times in the schedule when it cannot be opened. We apologise for this. If helping in the shop is something you would consider, please contact the Administrator or speak to a volunteer.

Tuesday to Saturday    2.00 pm  –  4.00 pm

Sunday                 Before and after services.

The shop also opens (by arrangement) for group visits and at special events

Enjoy Our Shop

The Community Shop in Newport Cathedral is a Fairtrade Shop which means reasonable prices are paid for stock which comes from developing countries overseas.  As well as actively helping emergent countries develop their skills, this Fairtrade shop plays a small part in increasing standards of living and creating secure and sustainable livelihoods.

The shop specialises in cards and gifts suitable for ordinations, christenings and other thoughtful religious expressions. As a shop which trades for the benefit of the community, it is a sustainable form of business.  Run by volunteers its vibrancy is regularly maintained by the variety and quality of its stock.

Literature, Guides & More

This Cathedral Shop is of particular benefit to those interested in religious literature as well as helping the fight against poverty. It offers a wide selection of beautiful and original religious souvenirs and every age group is catered for including the very young. 

The Cathedral has a rich history and some of the books available reflect its fascinating stories.  There are also books which guide and encourage spiritual thinking. Do support the Cathedral next time you visit by browsing through the many gifts and items which support people spiritually. 

Newport Cathedral