The Mothers Union
There has been a Mothers’ Union Branch at Newport Cathedral for over a hundred years. Records show that the first Enrolling Member joined in 1910.
We have many members and within the Diocese of Monmouth there are 36 branches. There are more than four million members of the Mothers’ Union today in 83 countries around the world. Each member subscribes to the same values; the moral and ethical codes that are central to the ways in which we operate.
At each meeting, there is always a short service led by one of our members. We also have speakers on a variety of subjects, or we may have more social events e.g. an event to raise money for a special cause or perhaps a tea to celebrate St. David’s Day

Who Can Join
Membership is open to anyone who has been baptised and who will support our aims and objectives. You don’t have to be a mother, you just have to believe in the importance of strengthening family life within society. Whether you are looking for support, fellowship, or simply a place to meet like-minded individuals, Mothers’ Union is the place for you.
Here at Newport Cathedral, there is a committee of six dedicated ladies who, under the leadership of their Chairperson, arrange the programme and generally organise the success of the branch.
If you would like to join us at one or more of our meetings you will be very welcome. Please speak with one of the Cathedral Wardens, or contact the Administrator.