We always welcome the invaluable help of volunteers
What Is Volunteering?
Stewards, lesson readers, servers are all part of the volunteer team, as are the coffee/tea makers after the service. This is hugely helpful so if you are interested, there are many different ways you can help.
- Events – helpers and welcomers are always needed at musical events, exhibitions and so forth
- Helping during worship – stewards, lesson readers, servers are all part of the volunteer team, as are the coffee/tea makers after the service.
- Helping in the shop – again, 2 hours a week is ideal, and some training would be given
- Running the Cathedral – there is plenty going on ‘behind the scenes’ with working groups and committees. You may have particular expertise, skills or interests that you would like to contribute.
Other Ways To Volunteer
As well as the above, there are several other ways you can help, depending on your interests and available time.
- Helping out at events – with chair moving, stewarding, refreshments, ticket selling, running stalls at the bazaar, assisting at Open Days etc.
- Newport Nightshelter – helping to host overnight accommodation at the Cathedral, for homeless people during the winter months.
- Music – Music is a strong tradition at the Cathedral. There is a regular choir of adults and children, always looking for new recruits.
- The Churchyard – assisting the small team that works in the churchyard, and other outdoor work.
For further information please contact the Cathedral Administrator