Friends Of The Cathedral Choir


The music foundation at Newport Cathedral has developed into an organisation worthy of support by all who have the best interests of cathedral music at heart. In a post-industrial city, the Cathedral has for decades supported an excellent choir of boys and men, who have led the services with fine music. Girls are now a significant part of the ‘front row’, contributing equally with the boys. Unlike many Cathedrals, there is no choir school and the choristers attend a number of different local schools.

FNCC is fortunate to have the support of a number of most distinguished men and women as Vice Presidents of the organisation.

Supporting The Choir

There is a huge amount of support for the invaluable musical, educational, spiritual and social work of the Cathedral Choirs locally, nationally and internationally. This support has been recognised by the foundation, in October 2009, of the Friends of Newport Cathedral Choir (FNCC), the main objective is to further the work of Newport Cathedral by assisting, maintaining and supporting its choral tradition.

If you would like to join FNCC, or get more information, please contact the Administrator   –

Newport Cathedral